
Molecular Photodynamics and Electronics

Photonics&Materials Group



The goal of our research is to establish a strategy whereby functional molecular devices (e.g. photo-/electroactive) can communicate with one another in solution and in organized, self-assembled media (biotic and abiotic). Despite intense research, no single strategy has been shown to satisfactorily connect artificial molecular components in networks. This is perhaps the greatest hurdle to overcome if implementation of artificial molecular devices and sophisticated molecule-based arrays are to become a reality. In this project, communication between distant sites / molecules will be based on the use of photoejected ions in solution and organized media (membranes, thin films, nanostructured hosts, micellar nanodomains).


Ultimately this will lead to coded information transfer through ion movement, signalled by fluorescent reporter groups and induced by photomodulated receptor groups in small photoactive molecules. Integrated photonic and ionic processes operate efficiently in the biological world for the transfer of information and multiplexing distinct functional systems. Application in small artificial systems, combining “light-in, ion-out” (photoejection of an ion) and “ion-in, light-out” processes (ion-induced fluorescence), has great potential in a bottom-up approach to nanoscopic components and sensors and understanding and implementing logic operations in biological systems.


Additionally, an understanding of the fundamental events implicated during the process of photoejection / decomplexation of coordinated ions and ion-exchange processes at membrane surfaces will be obtained.








Copyright 2020 © Gediminas Jonusauskas, Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine - UMR 5798 CNRS/Université Bordeaux