Gianluca MICCHI est un ancien membre de l’équipe Théorie de la Matière Condensée, thématique Quantum Transport and Nano Electro Mechanical Systems.

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Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

 Gianluca Micchi

202 Avenue de Thouars, 33400 Talence FRANCE

Sex M | Date of birth 24/06/1987   | Nationality Italian



2012 – 2013:  Maths and Physics High School Teacher in Italy, responsible for the Math Olympiad students training

2010 – 2013:  Piano and Music Theory Teacher at the Civic School of Music in Castelnuovo Garfagnana (LU) Italy



Currently and from 2013:  PhD Student in Nanoscience at LOMA, University of Bordeaux.

Thesis: “ Quantum transport in suspended carbon nanotubes ”.    Supervisors: Prof. Fabio Pistolesi and Dr. Rémi Avriller.,

2013:  TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo, ie Active Educational Internship) at the University of Pisa.    93 / 100

Qualification for teaching Maths and Physics in italian high schools (Liceo)

2010 – 2012:  Master in condensed matter physics at the University of Pisa.    110 / 110

Thesis title: “ A superconducting laser in the strong coupling regime ”.    Supervisor: Prof. Rosario Fazio

The most important subjects I studied there are Solid State Physics, Statistical Physics, Quantum Optics (Theory and Lab), Electronics, Physics of Electronical Devices, and Quantum Information and Computation.

2006 – 2010:  Bachelor in Physics at the University of Pisa.     110 / 110 cum laude

Thesis title: “ Quantum Correlation in Electronic Scattering Processes ”.    Supervisor: Prof. Vittorio Giovannetti

All the fundamental subjects of physics, like Classical Mechanics, Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Nuclear Physics, Astrophysics, Musical Physics, Analysis, Geometry.

2002 – 2008:  Diploma in Piano Performance at the Conservatory of Lucca.    10 / 10



  • Summer School “ Frontiers of Condensed Matter ” 2014 in San Sebastián, Spain  (poster contribution). Courses in Quantum Information, Superconducting Point-Contacts, Topological Phases, Quantum Transport, Nanomechanics, and Strongly-correlated Systems
  • GDR 2426  Physique quantique mésoscopique 2014 in Aussois, France  (poster contribution).
  • Workshop Synérgie Théorie 2014 in Bordeaux, France
  • Workshop Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity 2014 in Bordeaux, France
  • Workshop Physique théorique et numérique 2014 in Bordeaux, France
  • GDR 2426  Physique quantique mésoscopique 2013 in Aussois, France


Languages: Italian (native), English (fluent), French (fluent), Russian (beginner)

Computer skills: Python, LaTeX, Office, basics of C and Mathematica


Gianluca MICCHI

Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine (LOMA)
351 cours de la libération
33405 Talence Cedex

Phone : + 33 (0)5 40 00 61 50
Fax : + 33 (0)5 40 00 69 70
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