Gulliver’s Travel to LOMA

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22-24 September 2021

Wednesday 22

11:15 – 11:45 – Welcome coffee [Agora]
11:45 – 12:30 – Introduction (Joshua McGraw, Thomas Salez) & Lab presentations (Fabio Pistolesi, Olivier Dauchot)
12:30 – 14:00 – Lunch buffet [LOMA]
14:00 – 15:45 – Talk session 1 (Chair: Ulysse Delabre) [Agora]
15:45 – 16:15 – Coffee break [Agora]
16:15 – 18:00 – Talk session 2 (Chair: Vincent Démery) [Agora]
18:00 – 19:00 – Free time & carsharing
19:00 – 22:00 – Vineyard visit, wine tasting & dinner [Château Pape Clément]

Thursday 23

09:00 – 09:30 – Welcome coffee [LOMA]
09:30 – 11:00 – Lab visits 1 (Chair: Thomas Barois) [LOMA]
11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee break [Agora]
11:30 – 12:30 – Talk session 3 (Chair: Thomas Bickel) [Agora]
12:30 – 14:00 – Lunch buffet [LOMA]
14:00 – 15:45 – Talk session 4 (Chair: David Dean) [Agora]
15:45 – 16:15 – Coffee break [Agora]
16:15 – 18:00 – Talk session 5 (Chair: Finn Box) [Agora]
18:00 – 20:00 – Posters, pizza & beer session (Chairs: Caroline Kopecz-Muller & Elodie Millan) [LOMA]

Friday 24

09:00 – 09:30 – Welcome coffee [LOMA]
09:30 – 11:00 – Brainstorm sessions (Chair: Julien Burgin) [LOMA]
11:00 – 11:30 – Coffee break [LOMA]
11:30 – 12:30 – Lab visits 2 (Chair: Thomas Barois) [LOMA]
12:30 – 13:45 – Lunch buffet [LOMA]
14:00 – 15:30 – Lab visits 3 (Chair: Jean-Christophe Baret) [CRPP]

Friday 24 (bonus)
18:00 – 23:00 – European Researchers Night [Cap Sciences]
23:00 – 00:00 – Concert by Tuba&c (Thomas Barois) [Cap Sciences]

Talk sessions

15 min talk + 5 min questions

Session 1

T1.1 Samuel Hidalgo
Dissipation-driven time reversal of waves
T1.2 Marcela Rodriguez-Matus
Charge-flow coupling in nanoscale water films
T1.3 Etienne Ducrot
Structured materials by assembly of tailored colloids
T1.4 Mengshi Wei
Active colloidal gel
T1.5 Rory Cerbus
A granular approach to landslide runout

Session 2

T2.1 Thibault Di Meo
Artificial cells for in vitro directed evolution of enzymes
T2.2 Maxime Lavaud
Confined Brownian motion
T2.3 Gabriel Guyard
Adsorption and slip in semi-dilute polymer flows
T2.4 Christine Grauby-Heywang
AFM, a tool to reveal the nano-secrets of membranes
T2.5 Maitane Muñoz Basagoiti
Catalysis from the bottom-up

Session 3

T3.1 Antoine Aubret
Micromachines made of active colloids
T3.2 Matthieu Labousse
Robotic tomography
T3.3 Pierre Lidon
Local rheology of the future

Session 4

T4.1 Nina Kravets
Dynamic liquid crystal systems in topologically structured environment
T4.2 Guillaume Gines
DNA circuits featuring droplet microfluidics for microRNA sensing:
because every molecule counts
T4.3 Diego Baresch
Single-beam acoustical tweezers
T4.4 Alexandre Guillet
Analytical tools for the observation of living dynamics
T4.5 Arthur Genthon
Thermodynamics of stochastic resetting constrains cell size control

Session 5

T5.1 Arthur Alexandre
Dispersion in undulated channels
T5.2 Martina Clairand
Coupling of passive and active complex fluids in curved geometries
T5.3 Nicolas Martin
Synthetic cells: from biology to de novo Life
T5.4 Zaicheng Zhang
Thermal capillary waves of air bubbles probed by AFM
T5.5 Paul Baconnier
Selective and collective actuation in active solids

Brainstorm sessions

Optics, topology & defects
Teresa Lopez-Leon, Etienne Brasselet, Philippe Cluzeau
Bioinformatics & biomechanics
Yannick Rondelez, Françoise Argoul, Jean-Christophe Baret
Active and programmable matter
Olivier Dauchot, Hamid Kellay, Eric Grelet
Electrokinetic effects
Anthony Maggs, Alois Würger, Carlos Drummond
Interfaces & soft matter
Mathilde Reyssat, Jean-Pierre Delville, Jean-Baptiste Salmon

Lab visits

Lab visits 1&2 – LOMA

Liquids at the nanoscale [Room 1 – Ground floor]
Abdelhamid Maali
Deciphering the physiologic orchestra [Room 2 – Ground floor]
Françoise Argoul, Etienne Harté
Brownian X games [Room 3 – First floor]
Yann Louyer, Yacine Amarouchene, Julien Burgin
Photons at work [Room 4 – First floor]
Jean-Pierre Delville, Ulysse Delabre, Antoine Aubret
Twist and shout [Room 5 – Second floor]
Etienne Brasselet, Delphine Coursault, Nina Kravets
Lipids are not only fat [Room 6 – Second floor]
Touria Cohen-Bouhacina, Christine Grauby-Heywang
Bugs & other strange animals… [Room 7 – Second floor]
Hamid Kellay, Jean-François Boudet, Thomas Barois

Lab visits 3



Selective and Collective Actuation in Active Solids
Paul Baconnier

Simulating active Brownian particles and Co with Monte Carlo algorithms
Juliane Klamser

Lubricated hydrodynamic interactions between a hard spherical indenter and a poroelastic nanolayer
Caroline Kopecz-Muller

Emergence of homochirality in large molecular systems
David Lacoste

Universal constraints on growth, division and selection in lineages trees
Arthur Genthon

Cavity averages for hard spheres
Michael Schindler

Memory effects in spin networks during progressive quenching
Charles Moslonka

Dielectric measures of mechanically stressed polycarbonate films
Jérôme Hem

Bacteria swimming in liquid crystals
Martyna Goral

Particle dispersion in microflows
Alexandre Vilquin

Molecular programming for the ultra-sensitive detection of biomarkers involved in neurodegenerative diseases
Antoine Masurier

Swimming droplets in 1D geometries, an active Bretherton problem
Mathilde Reyssat

Development of a Primary System for the Measurement of Nano-flow Rates of Liquids
Abir Wissam Boudaoud

Taylor Aris dispersion with hydrodynamic interactions
Élodie Millan

Investigating effects of flow, confinement and surface diffusion on dispersion
Arthur Alexandre

Elastohydrodynamic relaxation on thin and thick viscous films
Christian Pedersen

Reorientation dynamics of microswimmers at fluid-fluid interfaces
Harinadha Gidutiri

Particles deposition governed by laser heating
Ulysse Delabre

Synchronisation in chiral microswimmer suspensions
Sotiris Samatas

Guiding spherical microswimmers using liquid crystal topology
Bhavesh Gautam

Poster session… are we to fold for this?
Thomas Barois

Confined Brownian Motion
Maxime Lavaud

Brownian oscillations of an AFM colloidal probe near a soft wall
Nicolas Fares

Glassy and geometric frustration in a magnetic crystal
Piyush Jeena

Contactless rheology of soft interfaces
Zaicheng Zhang

Long-term survey of the proliferation of breast cancer cell populations with a lens-free quantitative phase microscope
Étienne Harte

Light-matter topological interplay: soft matter is good
Samlan Chandran Thodika

How planar membrane models can help to understand the impact of galactolipids in thylakoid membranes?
Sarah Benamara

First encounter times for random walkers with memory
Thomas Guérin

Morphological and nanomechanical characterization by atomic force microscopy of Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterium, a bio-depolluant of natural environments
Houssem Kahli

Fluctuation interactions between soft interfaces in critical systems
Jean-Pierre Delville

Useful addresses

Agora: Domaine du Haut-Carré, 43 rue Pierre Noailles, Talence
LOMA: A4N building, 351 cours de la Libération, Talence
CRPP: 115 avenue du docteur Schweitzer, Pessac
Château Pape Clément: 216 avenue docteur Nancel Pénard, Pessac
CAP Sciences: Hangar 20, Quai de Bacalan, Bordeaux
