Ioannis PETSAGKOURAKIS est membre de l’équipe Tipi.

Ioannis (Yiannis) PETSAGKOURAKIS is a young researcher with great passion about science. He graduated (February of 2013)from  the department of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens , and from March of 2013 is a PhD student on Polymer Thermoelectrics under the supervision of Prof Georges HADZIIOANNOU and Prof. Stefan DILHAIRE.


Techniques de recherche

Techniques de recherche

Electrical, thermoelectric, optical and thermal characterization of polymer materials.



Polymer Thermoelectrics.



L.C.P.O. and L.O.M.A.



Coming soon…

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae



12137 Peristeri, Athens, Greece


Home : +30 – 210-5715016



Personal Information

Nationality:                                                              Greek
Date and place of birth:                                      8 September 1989, Athens



October 2007 – January 2013: Undergraduate Studies

University: National Technical University of Athens
Department: Chemical Engineering
Grade:  9.49/10
Title of undergraduate diploma thesis : Monte Carlo Simulation of Polymer Graphite nanocomposite
Advisor: D.N. Theodorou, Professor

September 2004-2007: Avgoulea-Linardatou High School

Grade: 19/20



English: F.C.E. (CambridgeUniversity)
German: Zertifikat Deutsch


Professional Experience

1) 1 October – 15 November, 2011:

Practical training
Subject:  Molecular Dynamics of Ionic Liquids
Institute:  N.C.S.R. Demokritos , supervisor: Dr. I.Economou
City: Athens


Undergraduate Research Projects

  • Monte carlo simulation of a Lennard-Jones liquid

The project was carried out as partial fulfillment of the module “Using Computers to link microscopic and macroscopic properties”. Fortran 77 code was used.

  • Process engineering of production of vinyl-chloride monomer through direct chlorination

The project was carried out as partial fulfillment of the module “Design of Chemical Industries”. Aspen scientific software was used.

  • Molecular dynamics of ionic liquids
    The project was carried out during the practical training at N.C.S.R. Demokritos under tuition of Dr. I.Economou. NAMD molecular dynamics package was used.


Scholarships – Awards

2007 National Studentship, ranked 3rd in Chemical Engineering NTUA during the National Hellenic Enrolling Exams
2008-2009 National Studentship, ranked 1st among fellow students
2008-2009 Thomaideio Award, ranked 3rd among every other student at department of Chemical Engineering, NTUA
2009-2010 National Studentship, ranked 1st among fellow students
2009-2010 Thomaideio Award, ranked 3rd among every other student at department of Chemical Engineering, NTUA
2010-2011 National Studentship, ranked 1st among fellow students
2010-2011 Thomaideio Award, ranked 2nd among every other student at department of Chemical Engineering, NTUA
2008-2009 Kritikos award, ranked 1st in mathematics subjects among fellow students


Computer Knowledge

Computer Languages: Fortran 77,90, Java
Operating Systems: Windows, LINUX.
General Software: Matlab, Mathcad
Special Software: COMSOLMultiphysics, Aspen
Office Software: Microsoft Word, Excell,Powerpoint,Project


7th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (2010)
7th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics (2011)
8th Greek Chemical Engineering Association Conference (2011)


Summer Schools

4th International Summer Schools on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (2010)
10th Astrophysics Summer School of National Observatory of Athens (2005)


Research Interests

Nanomaterials and Nanostructures
Nanocomposites (Polymer matrix, Metal matrix)
Functional Materials
Biomimetic Materials
Metallic Glasses
Semiconducting Materials
Molecular and Material Simulations




Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’aquitaine (LOMA)
351 cours de la libération
33405 Talence Cedex

Phone : + 33 (0)5 40 00 27 93
Fax : + 33 (0)5 40 00 69 70

Auteur / autrice