Laurent de Forges de Parny
Thales Alenia Space

” Satellite Quantum Communications at Thales Alenia Space : Quantum Key Distribution and Quantum Internet “

After my PhD in Condensed Matter in 2012 (simulations of the Bose-Hubbard model and quantum phase transitions) and five years in postdoc, I left Fundamental Research in 2018 for the Space Industry. I will briefly explain how a theoretical researcher can finally integrate the French Industry after many obstacles and pitfalls.

Then, I will present Satellite Quantum Communications at Thales Alenia Space. Our two main disruptive activities concern Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) for cryptography needs and the Quantum Internet that will connect quantum computers together at the horizon of 2035. QKD, that provides the highest security level to secure our communications, is a parade to the quantum computer threat. Firstly developed in Research Labs since 1984, QKD is now an industrial topic of interest. I will explain why satellites are essential assets for the European QKD network we are developing for the European Commission with the European Space Agency. I will also explain how entangled photons and quantum teleportation will be used in the quantum internet. My talk will highlight the role of a theoretical quantum physicist in the Space Industry.

What I am doing:
Satellite-based Quantum Information Networks: Use cases, Architecture, and Roadmap,

What I was doing:
Spectral Structure and Many-Body Dynamics of Ultracold Bosons in a Double-Well, Entropy, 22(4), 382 (2020)
Feshbach-Stabilized Insulator of Bosons in Optical Lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 195302 (2015)

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