Ndeye Rokhaya FAYE est membre de l’équipe BioPhyNa.




Spectromètre FTIR Frontier MIR/FIR"Perkin Elmer

Techniques de recherche

Techniques de recherche

Nanotoxicity, biomimetic membranes, Atomic force microscopy, Fluorescence microscopy, Quartz crystal microbalance, Nanosciences, Soft matter.



2012 Posters – “Forum des microscopes à sonde locale ” , St Jacut de la mer

« Study by AFM and fluorescence microscopy of lipid films in interaction with nanoparticles”

2012 Oral contributions, Lacanau & Paris
  • 2nd EBSA Biophysics course on : Membrane Biophysics and Lipid-Protein Interaction
  • International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology (ICN+T2012)
2011 Posters – Forum des microscopes à sonde locale , Ecully-Lyon>

“Nano-imaging of simplified membrane systems in interaction with nanoparticles”, Ecully-Lyon.

2011 Congrès générale de la SFP 2011, Bordeaux>

“Study of simplified membranar models of DMPC and SM and their interaction with silica nanoparticles”, Bordeaux.

2011 8th European Biophysic Congress, Budapest>

“Study by AFM and fluorescence microscopy of supported lipid monolayers in interaction with nanoparticles”, Budapest-2011.

2011 NanoSWEC conference “Bio-Inspired Nanotechnology”, Bordeaux>

“Study of supported lipid bilayers in interaction with nanoparticles by AFM”, Bordeaux 2011.



Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine (LOMA)
UMR CNRS 5798, Université Bordeaux
call number : +33 (0)5 40 00 84 08

Dr Christine Grauby-Heywang
Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine (LOMA)
UMR CNRS 5798, Université Bordeaux 1
call number : +33 (0)5 40 00 89 97

Dr. Tarl Prow
Therapeutic Research Center (TRC)
University of Queensland-Australia
call number : +61 7 3176 5840



Oxidation of Langmuir-Blodgett films of monounsaturated lipids studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
International Journal of Nanotechnology. 2013 ; 10 (5) : 390-403
Ndeye Rokhaya Faye, Fabien Moroté, Christine Grauby-Heywang, Touria Cohen-Bouhacina

“Nanoparticles and microparticles for skin drud delivery, advanced Drug Delivery”
Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 2011 May 30 ; 63 (6):470-91
Tarl W Prow, Jeffrey E Grice, Lynlee L Lin, Rokhaya Faye, Margaret Butler, Wolfgang Becker, Elisabeth M T Wurm, Corinne Yoong, Thomas A Robertson, H Peter Soyer, Michael S Roberts

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae


2010-2013 PhD in Biophysics, University of Bordeaux, France

Thesis title : “Nano-spectroscopy and nano-imaging of membrane model systems in interaction with nanoparticles”
Skills : Nanotoxicity, biomimetic membranes, Atomic force microscopy, Fluorescence microscopy, Quartz crystal microbalance, Nanosciences, Soft matter

2009-2010 Master degree in “Cutaneous Physiology, Pharmacology and Bioavailability” University of Claude Bernard, Lyon, France

Skills : Cutaneous physiology and engineering, Dermo-cosmetic prevention, Formulation and Development of cosmetics

2007-2008 Master 1 (Bsc) degree in Biochemistry, University Victor Sègalen, Bordeaux, France

“Structural biochemistry at the interface of biology, chemistry and physics” Skills : metabolic and structural biochemistry, biomolecules chemistry, biophysics (RMN, ATR, RAMAN, SAXS, SERS, QCM-D, PCS, Ellipsometry), molecular biology

2004-2007 MBachelor’s degree in Biochemistry University Victor Sègalen, Bordeaux, France

Skills : Biochemistry, Biophysics, Chemistry, Animal and Plant biology, Structural and molecular Biology, Microbiology, Genetic, Immunology

Scientific Experience

2010-2013 University of Bordeaux, France, (LOMA), UMR5798

PhD “Nanospectroscopy and nano-imagery of membrane model systems in interaction with nanoparticles”
Thesis advisors : Pr Cohen-Bouhacina Touria, Dr Grauby-Heywang Christine
Funding : French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Aquitaine-Limousin region

2010 University of Queensland-Australia, Therapeutic Research Unit

“In vivo multiphoton microscopy of NADH and FAD, redox states before and after tape stripping in human skin” and “Study of Silver nanoparticles penetration into human skin”
Advisors : Pr Michael Roberts, Dr Tarl Prow

2009 University of Bordeaux, France, IECB (European institute of Chemistry and Biology)

“Biophysical characterization of an antimicrobial peptide”
Advisors : Dr Bernard Desbat, Dr Sabine Castano

2008 University of Bordeaux, France, LCPO (Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques)

Superior National School of Chemistry and Physics of Bordeaux
“Encapsulation of glucose and sucrose in polymeric vesicles”
Advisor : Dr Christophe Schatz

Teaching Experience

Regularly supervise practicals and courses in statics, optics, fluid mechanics for undergraduate students
Supervision of the research projects of 2 undergraduate students

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue French
Other languages English (Toeic in progress), Spanish (academic level)
Office Suites Microsoft office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
Software Kaleidagraph, Origin, Image J, NanoScope 7.3, Gwiddion


2012 Second prize for the most original poster “Silver Award Winner” for the “Forum microscopie à sonde Locale”, Saint Jacut de la Mer


2011 Third prize for the most original poster “Bronze Award Winner” for the “Forum microscopie à sonde Locale”, Ecully-Lyon

Ndeye Rokhaya Faye

Ndeye Rokhaya FAYE

Laboratoire Ondes et Matière d’Aquitaine (LOMA)
351 cours de la libération
33405 Talence Cedex

Phone : + 33 (0)5 40 00 62 04
Fax : + 33 (0)5 40 00 69 70


Auteur / autrice