
About the Optoflow group :

Manipulating matter, interfaces and flows with light


Optofluidics refers to the microfluidic area where optics and fluids are coupled together to create optical functions in fluids or conversely, to actuate fluids at a micrometric scale with optics. The LOMA optofluidic group aims at investigating these couplings with liquids and liquid interfaces and their consequences when photons exchange momentum and transfer energy.

To investigate these effects, we build setups dedicated to the optomechanics of liquid interfaces (radiation pressure) and bulk (scattering forces), optical stretching, jet instability, liquid fibre stabilization, liquid lenses and optical fountains. We also applied these concepts to optorheology, i.e. the characterization of the rheology of complex fluids at small scale. Fluid flows induced by laser heating in bulk (thermoconvection) and at interfaces (thermocapillarity flows) are also investigated with applications going from laser microfluidics & digital optofluidics to laser-driven evaporation & surface patterning.

We are always seeking for motivated interns, PhDs, or postdocs to join our group. Please do not hesitate to contact us, to discuss science and possible fundings !

Selected publications


Research activities

Radiation pressure at interfaces


Interface instabilities

Active Matter at the Nanoscale

Active matter is constituted of agents that convert energy into work or motion. This can range from flocks of birds to nanomotors in the cells, which in turn trigger the individual and collective cell dynamics. A particularity of such systems is their non-equilibrium nature : particles interact dynamically while breaking time reversal symmetry, which allow them to exhibit dynamical behaviors impossible to reach for an equilibrium system.

In this project, we aim at implementing and analyzing the dynamics of artificial, nanoscale objects that are able to self-propel. These nanoparticles (10-100 nm) offer new opportunitites in the active matter community, as they enable in particular the investigation of active matter in 3D, while examining precisely how the balance between thermal noise and activity influences their dynamics.
We use optical microscopy setups to control, actuate, and probe the dynamics of the particles, coupled to correlation and statistical methods to extract information on small spatial and short temporal scales.

Optical stretching of biomimetic systems


We use radiation pressure effects to deform and manipulate single biomimetic systems such as cells or vesicles without any contact in order to characterize their rheological properties. We build a photonic integrated microlfluidic device to trap and deform single object. Mechnical properties such as bending modulus or Young modulus are directly related to the deformation of biomimetic objects. These strategies have also been applied to mitotic cells to identify key mechanical proteins involved in cell rounding process during cell division.

Manipulation and biophysical characterization of GUVs with an optical stretcher
Gheorghe Cojoc, Antoine Girot, Ulysse Delabre, Jochen Guck, The Giant Vesicle Book , Editors C. Marques and R. Dimova
ISBN-13: 9781498752176, ISBN-10: 1498752179, Publisher CRC, September 2019


Deformation of phospholipid vesicles in a optical stretcher
U. Delabre, K. Feld, E. Crespo, G. Whyte, C. Sykes, U. Seifert & J. Guck
Soft Matter (2015)

Changes in Ect2 Localization Couple Actomyosin-dependent Cell Shape Changes to Mitotic Progression
Helen K. Matthews, Ulysse Delabre, Jennifer L. Rohn, Jochen Guck, Patricia Kunda and Buzz Baum
Dev Cell (2012) 23(2) pp. 371 – 383

Thermal effects of light in liquids

Our goal is to control the organization of particles at micro and nano scales in order to create new materials. We develop new strategies based on photonics , absorption of light to control flows either Mangoni or convection flows to improve the versatility and resolution of deposits.


Permanent researchers


Jean-Pierre Delville
CNRS Research Director
Ulysse Delabre
Associate Professor

Hamza Chraïbi
Associate Professor

Antoine Aubret
CNRS researcher


Eugénie Pariente – PhD with JP. Delville (collab. ICMCB).
Yoann De Figueiredo – PhD with A. Aubret.
Miquel Torras – Postdoc with JP. Delville (collab. ICMCB).

Alumni (past 5 years)

Fenghuan Zhao – PhD in collaboration with ICMCB (Bordeaux).
Marie Adier – Postdoc in collaboration with Pprime Institute (Poitiers) – with U. Delabre- Now at Horiba, Paris.
Nicolas Alexandre Goy – PhD (2021), now physics teacher.
Raphael Saiseau – PhD (2020), now postdoc at MSC Lab, Paris.
Junjie Hao – PhD (2020), now postdoc.
Hugo Chesneau – PhD (2020), now postdoc at CEA.
Gopal Verma – Postdoc (2019), now junior scientist.
Qingguo Bai – PhD (2019), now postdoc.
Antoine Girot – PhD (2018), now postdoc at Max Planck Institute.
David Rivière – PhD (2016), now data scientist.











Discover physics and make experiments with your smartphone !
Here is a link grouping ressources for those interested :
and find the book of Ulysse DELABRE, DUNOD

Physics of everyday-life objects
Videos from the online course (MOOC) ‘Physique des Objets du Quotidien’ (Physics of everyday-life objects): from your microwave to your smartphone :
Movies are available online all year long.


Liens vers videos HCERES



We are always seeking for motivated interns, PhDs, or postdocs to join our group. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss science and possible fundings.


    • 2021-08 : Our new paper on the synthesis of janus particles by photodeposition is now out in ACS Nano, check it out !
    • 2021-07 : Congratulations to Nicolas Alexandre Goy for successfully defending his PhD thesis !
