
Le groupe Turbulence&Instabilités se positionne à l’interface entre matière molle et mécanique de fluides. Il s’intéresse à l’écoulements de fluides au-delà des régimes de fluides simples. Il pourra s’agir de fluides complexes, de milieux granulaires, d’ensemble d’éléments actifs ou encore de cristaux liquides.
Le groupe s’intéresse également aux régimes d’écoulements turbulents avec l’étude de la turbulence bidimensionnelle dans les films de savon ou encore certains problèmes d’interaction fluide-structure comme la lévitation par des jets turbulents. L’activité de l’équipe s’articule autour d’expériences visuelles pour les régimes macroscopiques et de simulations numériques pour la résolution à petite échelle.


Research activities

Self-propelled particles

We study different types of self-propelled robots such as artificial cockroaches and artificial fishes.

The dimension of the robots is typically few centimeters and the only interaction between the particles is the collisions.

Surface clustering in circular arenas

The cockroach robots are forming a gas phase at low densities. Even if their elongated shape should suggest an alignment in the bulk, this is not observed because two particles colliding will bounce back with non-parallel trajectories after the collision. For moderate densities, typically 10% in surface fraction, a surface cluster is observed with a spontaneous ordering of the robots perpendicularly to the walls.

Coexistence between a gas phase in the bulk and an ordered phase at the walls with the self-propelled cockroach robots.

Traffic jams with robots

The robots are circulating in a circular track mimicking a lane reduction. In half of the track, the particles are in single file motion and on the other half, the track is large enough to allow the overtaking. For the lowest densities, the traffic is free. At high densities, the traffic is jammed due to a clogging of the particle at the bottleneck. For intermediate densities, the traffic is intermittent and spontaneously transits between free and jammed states.

A slowing down of the particle is operated by a modification of the track surface. An improvement of the traffic near congestion is reported according to the “slower is faster” effect.

Self-propelled robots circulating counterclockwise in track with varying width. A jam is formed at the bottleneck where the clogged particles are slowly escaping.

Sorting of chiral active particles

The self-propelled particles can be modified to walk in circle either clockwise (as in the figure) or anti-clockwise. Such particles can show two modes in a box: a first mode of free circling trajectories far from the boundary and a second mode of directed motion against the walls. The wall mode of directed motion give rise to a polarized flow according to the handedness of the particles.

The polarity of the edge current can be exploited to obtain a spontaneous sorting of the particles circling left or right by placing two collecting boxes at each end of a wall.

Solid line: trajectory of a right-handed particle moving without contact with the wall. Dashed line : trajectory of the same particle guided by the wall.

Active granular particles in soft membranes

The self-propelled particles are placed inside a soft membrane made of a flexible thin metal strip.
The superstructure obtained presents a rich dynamics that includes transition between diffusion and directionnal motion, coupling shape/motion, passage through constrictions, etc …

Flexible membrane with 20 self-propelled particles. The presence of a spontaneously formed cluster induce a motion of the superstructure which allow it to open a flexible one-way door.

Granular flows

Complex fluids

Soap films flow

Soft matter simulations

Levitation in turbulent jets

This activity is inspired by the experiment of the levitation of a ping-pong ball with a hair dryer. The general idea of this project is to investigate the non-contact manipulation of heavy spheres by one or multiple turbulent jets.

Levitation of a sphere in a double trap

Two vertical turbulent jets are used to levitate a ball. With symmetric flow rates, the particle is trapped on a fork structure, reminiscent of a pitchfork bifurcation. For asymmetric flow rates, the jet of higher flow rate may capture the ball after a cycle of flow rate.

This works show that it is possible to decide above which trap the sphere is capture only by acting on the flow rates without moving the nozzles.

(left) Photography of a pingpong ball levitating above two adjacent turbulent jets. The two jets have the same flow rate. (right) Particle distribution when the total flow rate for the two jets is varied. 3 regions are identified with (i) two traps (ii) two traps with permeable barrier (iii) one single trap.

Rotation of a chiral particle in levitation

The experiments are performed with an immerded water jet. A chiral particle is constructred by attaching a helical tail to a sphere. The chiral particle is buoyant and the jet is pointing downward (inverted levitation). The spinning velocity is proportional to the tail twist and an optimal length for the tail is found to maximize the rotation for a given twist.


This work was featured on the cover of Physics of Fluids in December 2019.

Schematics of a chiral particle. The twist of the tail is proportionnl to 1/h in which h is the wavenumber of the tail.


The article From collections of independent, mindless robots to flexible, mobile, and directional superstructures is on the cover of the special issue on robot swarms across scales.
Full text is available here.

  • Zaiyi’s paper is in PRL Week’s Cover (Issue 22, 27 Nov 2020)

The article Two-Phase Crystallization in a Carpet of Inertial Spinners made the cover of Issue 22 of Physical Review Letters.

  • Zaiyi’s paper in Editors’s suggestion (Dec. 2019)

The article Gravity induced formation of spinners and polar order of spherical microswimmers on a surface is in the Editors’s suggestion of Phys. Rev. Fluids.

  • Cover of Physics of Fluids (Dec. 2019)

The article Probing fluid torque with a hydrodynamical trap: Rotation of chiral particles levitating in a turbulent jet was featured on the front cover of Pof in December 2019.


  • Publication of the “cafards” paper (2018)

Antoine Deblais, Thomas Barois, T. Guérin, Pierre-Henri Delville, Rémi Vaudaine, et al.. Boundaries Control Collective Dynamics of Inertial Self-Propelled Robots. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2018, 120 (18), pp.188002 (1-5). ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.188002⟩. ⟨hal-01792275⟩

Voir actualité dans Physics:Physics Focus Video

et vidéo ‘des colonies de robots cafards’: zeste de science

  • Publication in Nature Communications (2016)

A. Deblais, R. Harich, A. Colin, and H. Kellay
Taming contact line instability for pattern formation
Nat. Commun. 7:12458 doi: 10.1038/ncomms12458 (2016)

  • Video of the soap bubble hurricane (2014)

voir une vidéo sur la vidéothèque du CNRS: Cyclones en bulle

Lien vers une vidéo d’un cyclone dans une bulle de savon vortex dans une bulle

  • Acualités de l’INP (2014)

Des girouettes qui pointent de biais
une vidéo de la girouette: vidéo de la bifurcation de la girouette

  • PRL Editor’s Suggestion for Nicolas Louvet’s paper (2014)

Nonuniversality in the Pinch-Off of Yield Stress Fluids: Role of Nonlocal Rheology


La thématique est composée de :

Anciens membres :



  • Marion Krapez, Anaïs Gauthier, Hamid Kellay, Jean-Baptiste Boitte, Odile Aubrun, Jean-François Joanny, Annie Colin.
    Emulsion Destabilization by Squeeze Flow.
    Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2020, 125 (25) Hal
  • Riande Dekker, Antoine Deblais, Krassimir Velikov, Peter Veenstra, Annie Coli, Hamid Kellay, Willem K. Kegel, Daniel Bonn.
    Impact of the Wetting Length on Flexible Blade Spreading.
    Langmuir, American Chemical Society, 2020. Hal
  • Zaiyi Shen and Juho S. Lintuvuori.
    Two-Phase Crystallization in a Carpet of Inertial Spinners.
    Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2020
  • Thomas Barois, Guillaume Ricard, Victor Champain, Lucas Gey, and Hamid Kellay.
    The levitation of a sphere by two parallel turbulent jets.
    Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics, 2020 Hal
  • Zaiyi Shen and Juho S Lintuvuori.
    Hydrodynamic clustering and emergent phase separation of spherical spinners.
    Physical Review Research, American Physical Society, 2020 Hal
  • Patrick Fischer, Charles-Henri Bruneau, Hamid Kellay.
    Numerical Study of Rotating Thermal Convection on a Hemisphere.
    Fluids, MDPI, 2020, 5 (4), pp.185. Hal
  • Thomas Barois, Jean-François Boudet, Juho Lintuvuori, Hamid Kellay.
    Sorting and Extraction of Self-Propelled Chiral Particles by Polarized Wall Currents.
    Physical Reviw Letters, American Physical Society, 2020, Hal
  • Germain Rousseaux and Hamid Kellay.
    Classical hydrodynamics for analogue space–times: open channel flows and thin films.
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.378: 2019, 0233  Hal


  • Zaiyi Shen and Juho S Lintuvuori.
    Gravity induced formation of spinners and polar order of spherical microswimmers on a surface.
    Physical Review Fluids, American Physical Society, 2019, Hal
  • Alizée Glasser, Eric Cloutet, Georges Hadziioannou, Hamid Kellay.
    Tuning the rheology of polymer conducting inks for various deposition processes.
    Chemistry of Materials, American Chemical Society, 2019, ⟨10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b01387⟩. ⟨hal-02169663⟩
  • Thomas Barois, Jean-François Boudet, Nicolas Lanchon, Juho Lintuvuori, Hamid Kellay.
    Characterization and control of a bottleneck-induced traffic-jam transition for self-propelled particles in a track.
    Physical Review E , American Physical Society (APS), 2019, 99 (5), pp.052605 (1-9). ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.99.052605⟩. ⟨hal-02129176⟩
  • Thomas Barois, Peter Huck, Charles Paleo, Mickaël Bourgoin, Romain Volk.
    Probing fluid torque with a hydrodynamical trap: Rotation of chiral particles levitating in a turbulent jet.
    Physics of Fluids , American Institute of Physics, 2019, Hal


  • T. Meuel, M. Coudert, P. Fischer, Charles-Henri Bruneau, H. Kellay. Effects of rotation on temperature fluctuations in turbulent thermal convection on a hemisphere. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2018, 8 (1), pp.16513 (1-7). ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-34782-0⟩. ⟨hal-01955845⟩
  • Jean-François Boudet, M. Mathelié-Guinlet, Alexandre Vilquin, Jean-Paul Douliez, L. Beven, et al.. Large variability in the motility of spiroplasmas in media of different viscosities. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group, 2018, 8 (1), pp.17138 (1-14). ⟨10.1038/s41598-018-35326-2⟩. ⟨hal-01928528⟩
  • Jurriaan Gillissen, Alexandre Vilquin, Hamid Kellay, Roland Bouffanais, Dick Yue. A space–time integral minimisation method for the reconstruction of velocity fields from measured scalar fields. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2018, 854, pp.348 – 366. ⟨10.1017/jfm.2018.559⟩. ⟨hal-01917576⟩
  • Alexandre Vilquin, Hamid Kellay, Jean-François Boudet. Shock waves induced by a planar obstacle in a vibrated granular gas. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2018, 842, pp.163 – 187. ⟨10.1017/jfm.2018.128⟩. ⟨hal-01737201⟩
  • Antoine Deblais, Thomas Barois, T. Guérin, Pierre-Henri Delville, Rémi Vaudaine, et al.. Boundaries Control Collective Dynamics of Inertial Self-Propelled Robots. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2018, 120 (18), pp.188002 (1-5). ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.188002⟩. ⟨hal-01792275⟩
  • Franco Tardani, Wilfrid Neri, Cécile Zakri, Hamid Kellay, Annie Colin, et al.. Shear Rheology Control of Wrinkles and Patterns in Graphene Oxide Films. Langmuir, American Chemical Society, 2018, 34 (9), pp.2996 – 3002. ⟨10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b04281⟩. ⟨hal-01762840⟩
  • Antoine Deblais, M. A. Herrada, I. Hauner, K. P. Velikov, T. van Roon, et al.. Viscous Effects on Inertial Drop Formation. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2018, 121 (25), pp.254501. ⟨10.1103/physrevlett.121.254501⟩. ⟨hal-01989855⟩
  • C.-H Bruneau, Patrick Fischer, Y.-L. Xiong, H. Kellay. Numerical simulations of thermal convection on a hemisphere. Physical Review Fluids, American Physical Society, 2018, 3 (4), pp.043502. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.043502⟩. ⟨hal-01803691⟩



  • H. Kellay. Hydrodynamics experiments with soap films and soap bubbles: A short review of recent experiments. Physics of Fluids, American Institute of Physics, 2017, 29 (11), pp.111113 (1-10). ⟨10.1063/1.4986003⟩. ⟨hal-01653622⟩
  • Ines Hauner, Antoine Deblais, James Beattie, Hamid Kellay, Daniel Bonn. The Dynamic Surface Tension of Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society, 2017, 8 (7), pp.1599-1603. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b00267⟩. ⟨hal-01512688⟩
  • Abdelhamid Maali, Rodolphe Boisgard, Hamza Chraibi, Z Zhang, Hamid Kellay, et al.. Visco-elastic drag forces and crossover from no-slip to slip boundary conditions for flow near air-water interfaces. Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2017, 118 (8), pp.084501. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.084501⟩. ⟨hal-01481369⟩



A. Deblais, R. Harich, A. Colin, and H. Kellay
Taming contact line instability for pattern formation
Nat. Commun. 7:12458 doi: 10.1038/ncomms12458 (2016), Published 10 August 2016 (open access)

A. Vilquin, J. F. Boudet and H. Kellay.
Structure of velocity distributions in shock waves in granular gases with extension to molecular gases
(2016) Phys. Rev. E 94 , 022905.

R. Harich, A. Deblais, A. Colin, and H. Kellay.
Depletion forces induce visco-elasto-capillary thinning of non Brownian suapensions
(2016) EPL 114, 58006.


Z. Pan, N. Louvet, Y. Hennequin, H. Kellay, and D. Bonn
Drop formation in shear thickening granular suspensions
(2015) Phys. Rev. E 92 , 052203.

A. Orchini, H. Kellay, and A. Mazzino
Galloping instablity and control of a rigid pendulum in a flowing soap film
Journal of Fluids and Structures, 56, 124 (2015), DOI: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2015.04.006. article pdf

-A. Deblais, R. Harich, D. Bonn, A. Colin, and H. Kellay
Spreading of an Oil-in-Water Emulsion on a Glass Plate: Phase Inversion and Pattern Formation
Langmuir, Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/la504639q, Publication Date (Web): May 22, 2015.

-H. Bodiguel, J. Beaumont, A. Machado, L. Martinie, H. Kellay, and A. Colin
Flow Enhancement due to Elastic Turbulence in Channel Flows of Shear Thinning Fluids
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 028302 (2015) published 15th of January article pdf


-N. Louvet, D. Bonn, and H. Kellay
Nonuniversality in the Pinch-Off of Yield Stress Fluids: Role of Nonlocal Rheology
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 218302 (2014) published 20th of November article pdf

-U. Lacis, N. Brosse, F. Ingremeau, A. Mazzino, F. Lundell, H. Kellay, and S. Bagheri
Passive Appendages Generate Drift Through Symmetry Breaking
Nat. Commun. 5:5310 doi: 10.1038/ncomms6310 (2014), Published 30 October 2014 (open access)

-D. Samanta, F. Ingremeau, R. Cerbus, T. Tran, W. I. Goldburg, P. Chakraborty, and H. Kellay
Scaling of Near-Wall Flows in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Turbulent Channels
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 024504 – Published 9 July 2014 article pdf


- T. Meuel, XL Xiong, P. Fischer, C. H. Bruneau, M. Bessafi, and H. Kellay.
Intensity of vortices : from soap bubbles to hurricanes
(2013) Sci. Rep.3, 3455. (open access)

- F. Ingremeau and H. Kellay.
Stretching Polymers in Droplet-Pinch-Off Experiments
(2013) Phys. Rev. X 3, 041002. (open access)

- H. Chraibi and Y. Amarouchene.
Sedimentation of granular columns in the viscous and weakly inertial regimes
(2013) Phys. Rev. E. 88, 042204.

- A. Darwiche, F. Ingremeau, Y. Amarouchene, A. Maali, I. Dufour and H. Kellay.
Rheology of polymer solutions using colloidal-probe atomic force microscopy
(2013) Phys. Rev. E 87, 062601.

- G. Prado, Y. Amarouchene, and H. Kellay.
Incompressible-compressible transition in falling granular jets
(2013) EPL 102, 24006.

- J. F. Boudet and H. Kellay.
Unstable blast shocks in dilute granular flows
(2013) Phys. Rev. E 87, 052202.

- YL Xiong, C. H. Bruneau, and H. Kellay.
A numerical study of two dimensional flows past a bluff body for dilute polymer solutions
(2013) JNNFM 196, 8.

- D. Kulmatova, D. Bonn, and H. Kellay.
High-Reynolds-number turbulence in complex fluids
(2013) EPL 101, 24002.

- M. Aytouna, J. Paredes, N. Shahidzadeh-Bonn, S.Moulinet, C. Wagner, Y. Amarouchene, J. Eggers, and D. Bonn.
Drop Formation in Non-Newtonian Fluids
(2013) Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 034501.


- H. Kellay, T. Tran, W. I. Goldburg, N. Goldenfeld, G. Gioia, and P. Chakraborty.
Testing a missing spectral link in turbulence
(2012) Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, art. no. 254502

- J. Petit, D. Rivière, H. Kellay, and J. P. Delville.
Break up dynamics of fluctuating liquid threads
(2012) PNAS 109, 18327.

- T. Meuel, G. Prado, F. Seychelles, M. Bessafi, and H. Kellay.
Hurricane Track Forecast Cones from fluctuations
(2012) Sci. Rep.2, 466.

- M. R. de saint Vincent, J. Petit, M. Aytouna, J. P. Delville, D. Bonn, and H. Kellay.
Dynamic Interfacial tension effects in the rupture of liquid necks
(2012) J. Fluid. Mech. 692, 499.


- D. Bonn, F. Ingremeau, Y. Amarouchene and H. Kellay.
Large velocity fluctuations in small Reynolds number pipe flow of polymer solutions
(2011) Phys. Rev. E 84, 45301.

- M. Roché, H. Kellay, and H. Stone.
Heterogeneity and the role of normal stresses during the extensional thinning of non Brownian shear thickening fluids
(2011) Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, art. no. 134503.

- M. Roché and H. Kellay.
Pinch off in the presence of surface active polymers
(2011) EPL 95, 54003.

- G. Prado, Y. Amarouchene, and H. Kellay.
Experimental Evidence of a Rayleigh-Plateau Instability in Free Falling Granular Jets
(2011) Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, art. no. 198001.

- YL Xiong, C. H. Bruneau, and H. Kellay.
Direct numerical simulations of 2D channel flows in the presence of polymers
(2011) EPL 95, 64003.

- Kellay, H.
Turbulence : Thick puddle made thin
(2011) Nature Physics, 7 (4), pp. 279-280.


- Seychelles, F., Ingremeau, F., Pradere, C., Kellay. H.
From intermittent to nonintermittent behavior in two dimensional thermal convection in a soap bubble
(2010) Phys. Rev. Lett., 105 (26), art. no. 264502.

- Xiong, Y.L., Bruneau, C.H., Kellay, H.
Drag enhancement and drag reduction in viscoelastic fluid flow around a cylinder
(2010) Europhysics Letters, 91 (6), art. no. 64001.

- Boudet, J.F., Kellay, H.
Drag Coefficient for a Circular Obstacle in a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Dilute Supersonic Granular Flow
(2010) Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, art. no. 104501.

- Tran, T., Chakraborty, P., Guttenberg, N., Prescott, A., Kellay, H., Goldburg, W., Goldenfeld, N., Gioia, G.
Macroscopic effects of the spectral structure in turbulent flows
(2010) Nature. physics 6, art. no. 438.


- Roché, M., Aytouna, M., Bonn, D., Kellay, H.
Effect of surface tension variations on the pinch-Off behavior of small fluid drops in the presence of surfactants
(2009) Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, art. no. 264501.

- Boudet, J.F., Cassagne, J., Kellay, H.
Blast Shocks in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Supersonic Granular Flows
(2009) Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, art. no. 224501.

- François, N., Amarouchene, Y., Lounis, B., Kellay, H.
Polymer conformations and hysteretic stresses in nonstationary flows of polymer solutions
(2009) Europhysics Letters, 86 (3), art. no. 34002.


- J. F. Boudet, Y. Amarouchene, and H. Kellay
Shock Front Width and Structure in Supersonic Granular Flows
(2008) Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, art. no. 254503.

- Amarouchene, Y., Bonn, D., Kellay, H., Lo, T.-S., L’vov, V.S., Procaccia, I.
Reynolds number dependence of drag reduction by rodlike polymers
(2008) Physics of Fluids, 20 (6), art. no. 065108,

- Lasne, D., Maali, A., Amarouchene, Y., Cognet, L., Lounis, B., Kellay, H.
Velocity profiles of water flowing past solid glass surfaces using fluorescent nanoparticles and molecules as velocity probes
(2008) Physical Review Letters, 100 (21), art. no. 214502,

- Amarouchene, Y., Boudet, J.-F., Kellay, H.
Capillarylike fluctuations at the interface of falling granular jets
(2008) Physical Review Letters, 100 (21), art. no. 218001,

- Seychelles, F., Amarouchene, Y., Bessafi, M., Kellay, H.
Thermal convection and emergence of isolated vortices in soap bubbles
(2008) Physical Review Letters, 100 (14), art. no. 144501,

- Maali, A., Cohen-Bouhacina, T., Kellay, H.
Measurement of the slip length of water flow on graphite surface
(2008) Applied Physics Letters, 92 (5), art. no. 053101,

- François, N., Lasne, D., Amarouchene, Y., Lounis, B., Kellay, H.
Drag enhancement with polymers
(2008) Physical Review Letters, 100 (1), art. no. 018302


- Kellay, H., Amarouchene, Y., Boudet, J.F.
Intermittency of the velocity fluctuations in a granular surface flow
(2007) Physics of Fluids, 19 (7), art. no. 078104,

- Pastor, J.M., Maza, D., Zuriguel, I., Garcimartín, A., Boudet, J.-F.
Time resolved particle dynamics in granular convection
(2007) Physica D : Nonlinear Phenomena, 232 (2), pp. 128-135.

- Fischer, P., Bruneau, C.-H., Kellay, H.
Multiresolution analysis for 2D turbulence. Part 2 : A physical interpretation
(2007) Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B, 7 (4), pp. 717-734.

- Bruneau, C.-H., Fischer, P., Kellay, H.
The structures responsible for the inverse energy and the forward enstrophy cascades in two-dimensional turbulence
(2007) Europhysics Letters, 78 (3), art. no. 34002,

- Boudet, J.F., Amarouchene, Y., Bonnier, B., Kellay, H.
The granular jump
(2007) Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 572, pp. 413-431.


- Boudet, J.F., Amarouchene, Y., Kellay, H.
Dynamics of impact cratering in shallow sand layers
(2006) Physical Review Letters, 96 (15), art. no. 158001,

- Drappier, J., Divoux, T., Amarouchene, Y., Bertrand, F., Rodts, S., Cadot, O., Meunier, J., Bonn, D.
Turbulent drag reduction by surfactants
(2006) Europhysics Letters, 74 (2), pp. 362-368.

- Bandi, M.M., Goldburg, W.I., Cressman, J.R., Kellay, H.
Where surface physics and fluid dynamics meet : Rupture of an amphiphile layer by fluid flow
(2006) Journal of Chemical Physics, 124 (10), art. no. 104701,

- Amarouchene, Y., Kellay, H.
Speed of sound from shock fronts in granular flows
(2006) Physics of Fluids, 18 (3), art. no. 031707


- Zuriguel, I., Boudet, J.F., Amarouchene, Y., Kellay, H.
Role of fluctuation-induced interactions in the axial segregation of granular materials
(2005) Physical Review Letters, 95 (25), art. no. 258002.

- Wagner, C., Amarouchene, Y., Bonn, D., Eggers, J.
Droplet detachment and satellite bead formation in viscoelastic fluids
(2005) Physical Review Letters, 95 (16), art. no. 164504.

- Kellay, H.
Impact of drops on a water-covered sand bed : Erosion, entrainement and pattern formation
(2005) Europhysics Letters, 71 (3), pp. 400-406.

- Amarouchene, Y., Kellay, H.

Conformation statistics of a deformable material line in two-dimensional turbulence
(2005) Physical Review Letters, 95 (5), art. no. 054501, pp. 1-4.

- Bonn, D., Amarouchene, Y., Wagner, C., Douady, S., Cadot, O.
Turbulent drag reduction by polymers
(2005) Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 17 (14), pp. S1195-S1202.

- Bruneau, C.H., Kellay, H.
Experiments and direct numerical simulations of two-dimensional turbulence
(2005) Physical Review E, 71 (4), art. no. 046305, pp. 046305/1-046305/5.

- Boudet, J.F., Amarouchene, Y., Bonnier, B., Kellay, H.
Non-aeolian sand ripples
(2005) Europhysics Letters, 69 (3), pp. 365-370.


- Amarouchene, Y., Kellay, H.
Batchelor scaling in fast-flowing soap films
(2004) Physical Review Letters, 93 (21), art. no. 214504, pp. 214504-1-214504-4

- Kellay, H.
Polymers suppress the inverse transfers of energy and the enstrophy flux fluctuations in two-dimensional turbulence
(2004) Physical Review E , 70 (3 2), art. no. 036310, pp. 036310-1-036310-7.

- Kellay, H.
Dispersion in the enstrophy cascade of two-dimensional decaying grid turbulence
(2004) Physical Review E, 69 (3 2), art. no. 036305, pp. 036305-1-036305-6.


- Wagner, C., Amarouchene, Y., Doyle, P., Bonn, D.
Turbulent-drag reduction of polyelectrolyte solutions : Relation with the elongational viscosity
(2003) Europhysics Letters, 64 (6), pp. 823-829.

- Bonnier, B., Boudet, J.-F., Kellay, H.
Granular flow trapped on an incline : Dynamics of the sandpile
(2003) Physical Review E, 68 (6 1), art. no. 061302, pp. 613021-613025.

- Berger, C.E.H., Bergeron, V., Desbat, B., Blaudez, D., Kellay, H., Turlet, J.-M.
Bilayer in a Liquid Self-Supported Film
(2003) Langmuir, 19 (21), pp. 8615-8617.

- Berger, C., Desbat, B., Kellay, H., Turlet, J.-M., Blaudez, D.
Water confinement effects in black soap films
(2003) Langmuir, 19 (1), pp. 1-5.

- Boudet, J.-F., Gauthier, S., Amarouchene, Y., Kellay, H.
Self-similar dynamic quasi-two-dimensional sand fronts
(2003) Physical Review, 67 (1 1), art. no. 010303, pp. 103031-103034.


- Goldburg, W.I., Goldschmidt, Y.Y., Kellay, H.
Fluctuation and dissipation in liquid crystal electroconvection
(2002) Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 314 (1-4), pp. 391-395.

- Amarouchene, Y., Kellay, H.
Polymers in 2D turbulence : Suppression of large scale fluctuations
(2002) Physical Review Letters, 89 (10), pp. 1045021-1045024.

- Kellay, H., Goldburg, W.I.
Two-dimensional turbulence : A review of some recent experiments
(2002) Reports on Progress in Physics, 65 (5), pp. 845-894.

- Greffier, O., Amarouchene, Y., Kellay, H.
Thickness fluctuations in turbulent soap films
(2002) Physical Review Letters, 88 (19), pp. 1941011-1941014.


- Goldburg, W.I., Goldschmidt, Y.Y., Kellay, H.
Fluctuation and dissipation in liquid-crystal electroconvection
(2001) Physical Review Letters, 87 (24), art. no. 245502, pp. 2455021-2455024.

- Wu, X.L., Levine, R., Rutgers, M., Kellay, H., Goldburg, W.I.
Infrared technique for measuring thickness of a flowing soap film
(2001) Review of Scientific Instruments, 72 (5), pp. 2467-2471.

- Amarouchene, Y., Cristobal, G., Kellay, H.
Noncoalescing drops
(2001) Physical Review Letters, 87 (20), art. no. 206104, pp. 206104/1-206104/4.

- Bertrand, E., Bonn, D., Kellay, H., Binks, B.P., Meunier, J.
Fluctuation effects on wetting films
(2001) Europhysics Letters, 55 (6), pp. 827-833.

- Amarouchene, Y., Boudet, J.F., Kellay, H.
Dynamic sand dunes
(2001) Physical Review Letters, 86 (19), pp. 4286-4289.

- Amarouchene, Y., Bonn, D., Meunier, J., Kellay, H.
Inhibition of the finite-time singularity during droplet fission of a polymeric fluid
(2001) Physical Review Letters, 86 (16), pp. 3558-3561.

- Al Kahwaji, A., Greffier, O., Leon, A., Rouch, J., Kellay, H.
Dynamic light scattering from lyotropic lamellar phases subjected to a flow field
(2001) Physical Review E, 63 (4 I), pp. 415021-415029.

- Léon, A., Bonn, D., Meunier, J., Al-Kahwaji, A., Kellay, H.
Shear-induced first-order sponge-to-lamellar transition in a lyotropic surfactant system
(2001) Physical Review Letters, 86 (5), pp. 938-941.


- Capelle, F., Lhert, F., Blaudez, D., Kellay, H., Turlet, J.M.
Thickness and organization of black films using confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy
(2000) Colloids and Surfaces A : Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 171 (1-3), pp. 199-205.

- Al Kahwaji, A., Kellay, H.
Observations of the Collapse of Dilute Lyotropic Lamellar Phases under Shear Flow
(2000) Physical Review Letters, 84 (14), pp. 3073-3076.

- Kellay, H., Bruneau, C.H., Wu, X.L.
Probability Density Functions of the Enstrophy Flux in Two Dimensional Grid Turbulence
(2000) Physical Review Letters, 84 (8), pp. 1696-1699.

- Léon, A., Bonn, D., Meunier, J., Al-Kahwaji, A., Greffier, O., Kellay, H.
Coupling between Flow and Structure for a Lamellar Surfactant Phase
(2000) Physical Review Letters, 84 (6), pp. 1335-1338.


1-“Effects of alkane chain length on the bending elasticity constant K of AOT monolayers at the planar oil-water interface”
B.P. Binks, H. Kellay, and J. Meunier , Europhysics Lett. , 16 (1) , pp. 53-58 (1991).

2-“Wetting properties of n-alkanes on AOT monolayers at the brine-air interface”
H. Kellay, J. Meunier, and B.P. Binks , Phys. Rev. Lett., 69 (1992) pp. 1220-1223

3-“Experimental observation of hysteresis in a wetting transition”
D. Bonn, H. Kellay, and G.H. Wegdam , Phys. Rev. Lett. , 69 (1992) pp. 1975-1978

4-“Molecular layering on a fluid substrate”
D. Bonn, G.H. Wedgam, H. Kellay, and Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen, Europhys. Lett. 20,(3) (1992) 235-239

5-“Saddle Splay Modulus in water in oil microemulsions in the system AOT, brine and oil”
H. Kellay, J. Meunier, and B.P. Binks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70(1993) 1485

6-“Local properties of an AOT monolayer at the oil/water interfaces.: neutron scattering expriments”
H. Kellay, Y. Hendrikx, J. Meunier, and B.P. Binks, L.T. Lee, Journal de Physique II 3, (1993) 1747-1757

7-“Local properties of an AOT monolayer at the oil/water interfaces.: NMR measurements”
Y. Hendrikx, H. Kellay, J. Meunier. Europhysics Letters (25) (9), pp 735-741 (1994)

8-“Wetting and layering in critical binary fluid mixtures”
D. Bonn, H. Kellay, G.H. Wegdam J. Chem. Phys. 99 (9) p. 7115-7123, (1993 )

9-“Prewetting in a binary liquid mixture”
H. Kellay, D. Bonn, J. Meunier Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, (1993), p. 2607-2610

10-“Metastable States and Nucleation near First Order Wetting Transitions”
D. Bonn, H. Kellay, J. Meunier Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, (1994), p. 3560-3563

11-“Properties of Surfactant Monolayers in Relation to Microemulsion Phase Behavior”
H. Kellay, B. P. Binks, Y. Hendrikx, L. T. Lee, J. Meunier Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 49, 85, 1994.

12-“Viscous Finger Widening with Surfactants and Polymers”
D. Bonn, H. Kellay, M. Ben Amar, J. Meunier Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, (1995), 2132-2135

13-“Experiments with Turbulent Soap Films”
H. Kellay, X. L. Wu, W. I. Goldburg Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, (1995), 3975-3978

14-“Hydrodynamic Convection in a Two-dimensional Couette-Cell”
X. L. Wu, B. Martin, H. Kellay, W. I. Goldburg Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 236 (1995).

15-“Elastic Properties of Monolayers of Soluble Surfactants at Oil-Brine Interfaces”
H. Kellay, J. Meunier J. Phys. Condens. Matter 8, A49-A64, 1996.

16-’Confocal micro-Raman Spectroscopy of Black Soap Films’
B. Lecourt, A. Malaplate, D. Blaudez, H. Kellay, J. M. Turlet, J. Chem. Phys. 108, 1284, 1998.

17-’Electric-field effects on a droplet microemulsion’
M. Edwards, H. Y. Hwang, X. L. Wu, J. Huang, H. Kellay, Phys. Rev. E. 57,797, 1998.

18-’Vorticity Measurements in Turbulent Soap Films’
H. Kellay, X. L. Wu, W. I. Goldburg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 277, 1998.

19-’Delayed fracture of an inhomogeneous soft solid’
D. Bonn, H. Kellay, M. Prochnow, K. Ben-Djemiaa, and J. Meunier, Science 280, 265, (1998).

20-’Velocity Fluctuations of a Column of Water Streaming Down a Wire: The Possibility of One Dimensional Turbulence’
H. Kellay, J. Rouch , European Physical Journal B 4, 121-129, 1998.

21-’Bistability in non-Newtonian flow: rheology of lyotropic liquid crystals’
D. Bonn, J. Meunier, O. Greffier, A. Al kahwaji, H. Kellay, Phys. Rev. E. 58, 2115, 1998.

22-’Optical Fiber Velocimetry: A technique for measuring velocity in two-dimensional flows’
M. Rivera, A. Belmonte, W. I. Goldburg, X. L. Wu, and H. Kellay Review of Scientific Instruments. 69, 3215, 1998.

23-’Observation of a finite time singularity in needle propagation in Hele-Shaw cells’
O. Greffier, A. Al Kahwaji, J. Rouch, and H. Kellay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3860, 1998.

24-’Viscous Fingering and related instabilities in complex fluids’
D. Bonn, H. Kellay, and J. Meunier, Philosophical Magazine B, Vol. 78, 131-142, 1998.

25-’Aging of a colloidal Wigner glass’
D. Bonn, H. Tanaka, G. Wegdam, H. Kellay, J. Meunier, Europhysics Letters 45, 52, 1998.

26-’Velocity Fluctuations in a Turbulent Soap Film: the Third Moment in Two Dimensions’
A. Belmonte, W. I. Goldburg, H. Kellay, B. Martin, M. A. Rutgers, and X. L. Wu, Physics of fluids, 11, 1196, 1999.

27-’Numerical Simulations of Grid Turbulence in Two Dimensions and Comparison With Experiments on Turbulent Soap Films’
B.H. Bruneau, O. Greffier, H. Kellay, Phys. Rev. E, 60, p: R1162, (1999).

28- ‘Laponite: what is the difference between a gel and a glass?’
D.Bonn, H. Kellay, H. Tanaka, G. Wegdam, and J. Meunier. Langmuir, 15, 7534, (1999).
