Mardi 18/12/2018 | Joel Marthelot, Princeton University (US) | |
Lundi 17/12/2018 à 14h |
Detecting fractional Chern insulators through circular dichroism |
Cécile Repellin, Post-Doctoral Fellow, MIT (US) |
Mardi 11/12/2018 à 15h15 – Salle 103, Bâtiment A9 |
Pinaki Chakraborty, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (JP) | |
Mardi 11/12/2018 à 14h – Salle 103, Bâtiment A9 | Shervin Bagheri, Linné Flow Centre, Stockholm (Suède) | |
Jeudi 8/12/2018 à 11h | Pierre Lambert, Université Libre de Bruxelles (BE) | |
Mardi 4/12/2018 | Tom Bienaimé, LKB, ENS | |
Mardi 27/11/2018 | Gautier Verhille, Université Aix-Marseille, CNRS, IRPHE | |
Mardi 13/11/2018 | Hervé Elettro, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | |
Mardi 06/11/2018 | Painting With Bacteria | Wilson Poon, University of Edinburgh |
Mardi 16/10/2018 | Polaritonic chemistry: Manipulating molecules through QED effects in a cavity | Johannes Feist, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (ES) |
Mardi 09/10/2018 | Model Experiments of Active Matter : at the interface between living organisms and theoretical models | Olivier Dauchot, ESPCI, Laboratoire Gulliver, Paris |
Mardi 02/10/2018 | Frédéric Restagno, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay | |
Jeudi 27/09/2018 15h |
Formation and propagation of a semi vortex-ring connected to a free surface |
Alexandre Vilquin, LOMA, CNRS, Université de Bordeaux |
Mardi 18/09/2018 |
Dyamics of prey prehension by chameleons through viscous adhesion |
Prof. Pascal Damman, Laboratoire Interfaces & Fluides Complexes, Université de Mons (BE) |
Mardi 11/09/2018 |
Nonreciprocal Interactions and Devices via Reservoir Engineering |
Dr. Anja Metelmann, Freie Universität, Berlin (DE) |
Mercredi 05/09/2018 13h30 | Antoine Aubret, University of California San Diego (USA) | |
Mardi 4/09/2018 |
Friction with self assembled monolayers: hydrodynamic slip and activated solid/solid friction |
Joshua D. McGraw, CNRS, Laboratoire Gulliver, ESPCI, Paris |
Mardi 17/07/2018 |
Slip over nano-structured surfaces & nano gaseous films: Insight from molecular simulations |
Srinivasa Ramisetti, University of Leeds (UK) |
Mardi 3/07/2018 | Simon Pigeon, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Paris | |
Mardi 26/06/2018 | Granular friction: from building the pyramids to the anatomy of individual contacts at the nanoscale | Daniel Bonn, Institute of Physics, University of Amsterdam (NL) |
Mardi 19/06/2018 | Topological phase detection in Rashba nanowires | Denis Chevallier, Université de Bâle (CH) |
Mercredi 23/05/2018 14h | Soft Materials at surfaces and interfaces: Elastocapillarity | Kari Dalnoki-Veress, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (CA) |
Mardi 22/05/2018 | Avalanches in dead and living systems: From solids to society | Francisco Perez Reche, University of Aberdeen (GB) |
Mardi 15/05/2018 | Nano-optomechanics with suspended nanowires | Olivier Arcizet, Institut Neel, Grenoble |
Vendredi 04/05/2018 11h | What have we learned after two decades of studying confined polymer glasses? | James Forrest, University of Waterloo (CA) |
Mardi 24/04/2018 | Soft lubrication Lift forces at a bascular wall mimic | Lionel Bureau, Université de Grenoble Alpes |
Mardi 03/04/2018 | Model Experiments of Active Matter : at the interface between living organisms and theoretical models | Olivier Dauchot, ESPCI, Laboratoire Gulliver |
Mardi 27/03/2018 | Moving at the air-water interface | Elie Raphael, ESPCI, Laboratoire Gulliver, Paris |
Mardi 20/03/2018 | Large and quantized non-linear responses in topological metals | Adolfo Grushin, Institut Néel |
Mardi 13/03/2018 | Nanoscale Capillary Freezing of ionic loquids confined between metallic interfaces | Jean Comtet, Laboratoire de Physique Statistique, ENS |
Mardi 06/03/2018 | Rolling and ageing in T-ramp soft adhesion of microparticle | Drazen Zanchi, ENS |
Mardi 27/02/2018 | Thermoplasmonic imaging: Free space propagation and confinement of plasmons in metallic structures | Stefan Dilhaire, LOMA, Université de Bordeaux |
Mardi 12/02/2018 | Field-embedded particles driven by active flips | Jean-Baptiste Fournier, Université Paris Diderot |
Mardi 06/02/2018 | Interfacial nanobububbles and their impact on substrates | Yuliang Wang, Beihang Université (CN) |
Mardi 16/01/2018 | Self-propulsion of autophoretic particles | Sébastien Michelin, LadHyX, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau |