Date Titre présenté par
Jeudi 15/12/2022 à 10h30
Salle 123 & Zoom
Surface Phonon-Polaritons as Efficient Heat Carriers Sebastian Volz (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Mardi 6/12/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Nonlinear vibrational and electronic spectroscopy at interfaces: a probe traveling from the atom to complex systems Christophe Humbert (Institut de Chimie Physique, Université Paris-Saclay)
Mardi 29/11/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Elastocapillarity: from droplets to foams Aurélie Hourlier-Fargette (Institut Charles Sadron, Université de Strasbourg)
Mardi 22/11/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Cavitation in nanopores Etienne Rolley (LPENS, ENS-PSL, Paris)
Mardi 15/11/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Self-assembled meta-atoms and metasurfaces : Huygens multipoles and homogenization problems Alexandre Baron, (CRPP, Université de Bordeaux)
Mardi 18/10/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
A + R + T = 1 : control of light-matter interaction for ultra-short laser processing and perfect absorbers Saulius Juodkazis (Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia)
Mardi 11/10/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Tidal bore dynamics in estuaries Philippe Bonneton (EPOC, Université de Bordeaux)
Mardi 4/10/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Collective effects in driven matter: from one-dimensional crowding to 2D melting Alexis Poncet (Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon)
Mardi 27/9/2022 à 14h
Anomalous sound attenuation and electromagnetic field penetration in Weyl and Dirac materials Pavlo Sukhachov (Yale University, USA)
Mardi 20/9/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Photoemission studies of strongly-correlated electrons and exotic magnetic phe-nomena in quasi-two-dimensional 4f systems Dénis Vyalikh (DIPC, Donostia/San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain)
Mardi 13/9/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Viscoplastic thin film flows — uplift of an elastic membrane and sessile drop coalescence Andreas Carlson (Oslo, Norvège)
Mardi 12/7/2022 à 11h
Salle 215
Exciton dynamics in atomically thin heterostructures made from graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides Stéphane Berciaud (IPCMS, Université de Strasbourg)
Mardi 28/6/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Polyphosphate affects dynamics in the cytoplasm of starved P.aeruginosa Sofia Magkiriadou (Université de Fribourg, Suisse)
Mardi 21/6/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Annulé Fabrice Mortessagne (INPHYNI, Université Code d’Azur)
Mardi 14/6/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Quantum dynamics in disordered systems, in low and high dimensions Chris Baldwin (University of Maryland, USA)
Mardi 7/6/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
“Atomic force microscopy: a window towards the molecular mechanisms driving bacterial colonization and resistance” Marion Mathelié-Guinlet (CBMN, Université de Bordeaux)
Mardi 31/5/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
“Dynamic modeling of protein-membrane interaction during collagen export” Morgan Chabanon (Laboratory EM2C, Centrale-Supelec)
Mardi 24/5/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
From collective cell migration to local cell-cell interactions and back: symmetry matters Joseph D’Alessandro (Institut Jacques Monod, Paris)
Mardi 17/5/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Watching single charges moving at solid/liquid interfaces Jean Comtet (ESPCI Paris)
Mardi 10/5/2022 à 14h Temperature measurements to enhance test and yield of mixed signal integrated circuits Josep Altet Sanahujes (Univ. Catalunya, Espagne)
Mardi 3/5/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Shaping fluid lipid membranes with proteins and biological polymers Patricia Bassereau (Institut Curie, Paris)
Mardi 19/4/2022 à 14h
Salle 215
Bifurcations in coupled photonic crystal nanocavities Alejandro Giacometti (C2N, Univ. Paris Saclay)
Mardi 5/4/2022 à 14h
Mechanochemistry and drug targeting of the SARS-CoV-2 replication-transcription complex from a single molecule perspective David Dulin (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Mardi 29/3/2022 à 14h
(Salle 215)
Probing for Many-Body Localization in 2d disordered constrained systems Fabien Alet (LPT, Univ. Toulouse III)
Mardi 22/3/2022 à 14h (Salle 215) Satellite Quantum Communications at Thales Alenia Space : Quantum Key Distribution and Quantum Internet Laurent de Forges de Parny (Thales Alenia Space)
Mardi 15/3/2022 à 14h
(Salle 215)
Ultrafast Multidimensional Photoemission Spectroscopy of 2D Materials Samuel Beaulieu (CELIA, Univ. Bordeaux)
Mardi 8/3/2022 à 14h (Salle 215) Topological defects in spin-orbit coupling Andrej Mesaros (LPS, Univ. Paris Saclay)
Mardi 8/02/2021 à 14h (Salle 215)
Life and death of topological defects in polar active matter Amélie Chardac (Laboratoire de Physique, ENS Lyon)
Mardi 1/2/2021 à 14h (Zoom)

Towards quantum thermodynamics using levitated systems

Maxime Debiossac (VCQ, Vienne, Autriche)
Mardi 25/01/2022 à 14h (Salle 215) “Generalised Density Profiles in Single-File Systems” Aurélien Grabsch (LPTMC, Sorbonne Université)

Auteur / autrice